Sunday, September 4, 2011

Had to share...

Was just told by the Booger who is 11, "Nothing is impossible just improbable." when asking if he could stop driving us crazy. Little smart-ass!

Fighting with myself...

Actually more like fighting with the voices in my head, and unfortunately this is a regular occurrence. Had a day off today, all school work is caught up and that should have meant that I could sit here watch Netflix with the kids and knit. In reality I have knit all of one row today, mind you that row is over 100 stitches long but is is in garter stitch so that is just sad. So this is what has lead to fighting with myself, they are saying "What the hell? You had a whole day to knit and all you go done was one crappy row!". In my own defence I am fighting off a case of startitis, I do not want to work on what I have on the needles. Problem is I do not know what I want to work on otherwise, I hate when that happens. I am going to have to force myself to sit here after the kids go to bed and knit, I have a hat that is plane stockingette that I can do without even thinking about it that I think seeing a little progress on will help get me out of this mood. Now if I can just find a good movie to watch while doing this and all will be well. If not I guess I will just drive the Grump nuts tomorrow by pulling out the stash and seeing if there is anything that sparks my imagination. Wish me luck. Iam gonna need lots of it either that or I need to up my med's. :-P

Friday, September 2, 2011

I must be insane!

Alright here I go, trying this whole blog thing again. First off if anyone out there actually reads this, Hello and welcome to my insane little part of the world. Let me introduce myself, my name is Shannan, I am 33, originally from New York, grew up all over and am currently stuck in Columbia, SC. Let's see what else, at the end of this month I will have been married 15 years (yes I was 18 when we got married), I also have three kids Snot who is 13 and already taller than me and is our resident artist, Booger who is 11 and thinks the whole world is out to get him in trouble even when is is caught red handed. Last but not least we have Bee-Z who is 7 and has all the guys wrapped around her little finger, she is a tomboy in lip gloss and regularly kicks the boys butts. Of course I can not forget the man who gave me those lovely children, the Grump, loving father, husband and able to fall asleep the moment his head hits a pillow. Oh and I can't forget to mention he crochets and cross stitches which is funny as hell to watch. I forgot to mention he is in law enforcement, that makes it all the better.

 I am a self-taught knitter and have been knitting for 7 years now, well I taught myself how and then took a bit of a break then only knit every once in a while and then about two years ago I went nuts and was knitting all of the time and started having a real big problem with stash enhancement. Come to think if it that is about the time I got my first DP's and made myself some socks. It is all so clear now the socks are what sent me over the edge. It was either that or the fact that around that time I started homeschooling all three of the kids. We had been homeschooling the boys for a couple of years but they are only a grade apart so it is not that bad but Bee-Z started kindergarten and that really threw me for a loop, having to teach three different grades. That's alright though we have our reasons for homeschooling, the schools near us are awful, the boys went there for a little over a year and by the time we pulled them out they were both failing and the school had no plans to help them, mind you they were in 2nd and 3rd grade at the time. So we figured we could not screw them up anymore than the schools.

But I am not writing this to tell you about homeschooling, even though it may come up it is a big part of my life. I am mainly doing this to have a place to hopefully connect with other knitters and share my day to day experiences, any given day I could write about knitting, the kids making my hair grey, stupid people that I am surrounded by or just about anything that I can come up with. So welcome to my little piece of the world everyone, I hope you enjoy sharing it with me.